Eating on the Edge

Vegans are eating on the cutting edge of culinary development. Pushing the envelope of eating. New food products are being developed that take into account ethics and the environment, in addition to flavor and texture and nutrition.

Vegan cheese and meats are being refined, and the more people choose these alternatives, the better the quality, availability, and price will become.

protein in perspective

A picture with frames, each frame containing a quantity of food containing recommended daily amount of protein. Example frames: Frame 1: fried chicken, Frame 2: tofu stir fry with rice, Frame 3: nuts and fruits, Frame 4: beans and vegetables.

There are two points to this. One is to illustrate that it takes less animal flesh to supply a day's worth of protein than most people eat. Two is that there is a good amount of protein in vegetables, whereas many people have the misconception that protein is only found in meat and beans.

Subtitles may include a warning about the effects of eating too much protein, although serious athletes will want to take in more protein to build muscles. Or something along the lines of "choose wisely"