how marketing destroyed the planet

it was marketing that introduced people around the world to the fast food diets of america, marketing made it easy and cheap to have this novel meal every day, marketing, information, it's not harmless, because marketing is driven by profit, expanding as far and fast as it can. there is no restraint and no consideration of future, only win win win.

the voice of reason that says 'your diet is destroying rainforests' 'your diet is giving you diseases and cancer' simply doesn't have the money and marketing to have that global reach. so i'm blogging about it, who will that reach? who can peta reach? word of mouth takes time to spread. and marketing is quick to counter, with money, glittery commercials, paid actors, total ignorance of harm.

news: africa food shortage

Increasing food supply by eating vegetables directly would easily provide food aid to end hunger problems in africa. There have been riots, migrations, nation-state failure, and people are killing monkeys for food, and this is bringing exposure to another potential pandemic disease.

There is more than enough food for the world, it's just being used inefficiently to feed animals. Saying that animal rights people should stop worrying about animals when there is human suffering going on have got it backwards. Animal eaters are hurting animals and humans.